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What is Expected of Supervisors

When reviewing an employee’s form, supervisors should review the form from two perspectives:

  1. Does the disclosed information represent any potential conflicts with the roles and responsibilities the employee?
  2. As the supervisor, are you aware of any additional potential conflicts or outside interests that weren’t disclosed on the form?

When reviewing the form, if any of the information creates a concern, supervisors should discuss this with the employee.

If, after discussion, the concerns represent a potential conflict, the supervisor and the employee should work together to outline a plan to manage or mitigate said potential conflict for review/approval.

This planning document should be attached to the Outside Interest Disclosure form with the supervisor’s approval. As mentioned earlier, it is not the responsibility of UT employees to determine whether a potential conflict exists; it is the responsibility of UT itself.

A campus Conflict of Interest Official will review the form and reach out to you and/or the employee for additional information.

If the supervisor is reviewing a form where they feel a potential conflict may exist, but they are not sure, they should reach out to the campus Conflict of Interest Compliance Manager, Jay Taylor Bailey, for assistance.